Hyphen Journal launches Issue 3.1: Ecologies.

This issue of Hyphen Journal is about matters of ecology – biological, cosmological, philosophical, ethical matters, as well as a vibrant materialism in which violent separations between thought and matter, humans and ‘nature’, civilisation and its others are dissolved. The issue seeks to provide a platform on and through which encounters and interferences between radically different practices, schools of thought, positions, histories, cosmologies can play out, guided by the journal’s ethos of facilitating a sociality between research and practice. Through this, a tangled web of becomings and beings-with can emerge into view from the wreckage wrought by centuries of illusions of human, rational, colonial, capitalist mastery.

Issue 3.1 was made possible through the dedicated work of the Hyphen Editorial Collective: Steven Barclay, Harshavardhan Bhat, Sue Goldschmidt, Frankie Hines, monika jaeckel, Sarah Niazi, Sam Nightingale, Renan Porto, Arne Sjögren, James Snazell, Jol Thoms and Lennard Van Oldenborgh and issue co-editors-in-chief: Iram Ghufran, Matthias Kispert, Lucy Rogers

Read Issue 3.1: Ecologies online on Hyphen Journal.

Join Hyphen Collective for an online colloquium to celebrate the launch of the issue on Thursday 10th March 2022, 11am-6pm GMT. Tickets available via Eventbrite.