Pedagogical Innovation

“What matters is creating relevant forms of togetherness between practices, both scientific and non-scientific; finding relevant ways of thinking together” (Stengers, I. Another Science Is Possible, 2018. P.145).

We are interested in exploring ingenuitive approaches to creative artistic-research by engaging with the challenges of interdisciplinary education through use of innovative materials, situated seminars, creative workshops and critical excursions. The educational activities and events extend our interest in experimentation, expanded reading, social practice and de-colonial thought.

Experimentation is key to developing collective and individual pedagogic practices that attend to the specificities of the field of contemporary art and the quickly growing focus on art as research in the age of the Anthropocene / Capitalocene. An experimental pedagogical research environment seeks to be heuristic and applies various experimental methodologies, exercises and programs to achieve this.

Expanded reading includes engaging with contextual research, from artist films, exhibitions, magazines, records or albums, artistic archives, architecture and materials, to literature, research papers and policy documents. Readings, in this expanded context, also fundamentally include sites, machines and landscapes; creatures, forces and entities; networks and assemblages whose agencies impact the social, political, and cultural pluralities of worlds we collectively share and inhabit.

In response to ongoing global crises which demand an adaptable research environment we support social practice as an approach to building an academic community. Our research environment asks how knowledge of social practice can shape a community where people are eager to participate, to learn and to share. For example, interdisciplinary pedagogical work between arts and sciences can sometimes require a flattening of epistemic hierarchies. Social practice and community engagement therefore focus on sharing knowledge through which we can address global and local challenges, as well as local problems etc, as matters of concern.

Investigators at the Deep Field Project understand that at the core of many global crises are fundamental and systemic inequalities that must be addressed and remediated. This is why de-colonial and intersectional reflections on situating social or artistic research practices and projects are central to our own experimental, pedagogical inquiry.