Biosphere 2. 2017

Biosphere 2 (Proving Grounds). 19 May 2017

A talk by Kathelin Gray, co-founder of Biosphere 2, in conversation with Dr Rob La Frenais, independent curator. Organised by Neal White with Professor John Beck at Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture, University of Westminster.

Kathelin Gray is a US producer, who is a co-founder of the Institute of Ecotechnics, and the Biosphere 2 experiment. She states: “It is ironic that with the reopening of the ‘space race’ to Mars, this work is now being re-examined and in some cases re-invented. The passage of time shows just how important this work was. We need to revisit ways in which we can demonstrate our impact on the environment and the complex inter-relationships which make existence on earth possible yet so fragile to human impacts. Physiologically, culturally and chemically we are all earthlings! Our fate is indissolubly linked with the health of our fellow earthlings: microbes, soils, plants, animals, a concept that was once considered alternative thinking”.

For more on this event, please follow the link below.

Proving Grounds was a series of research events developed with Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture. Funded by Quintin Hogg Trust.