Mirror I am: Silver and Exact

‘Mirror I Am: Silver and Exact’, a duo exhibition of Phoebe Cummings and Mübin Orhon is presented by Galerist and Galeri Nev at Galerist, Istanbul until June 11, 2022. Taking its title from a poem by Sylvia Plath, the exhibition sheds light on the multidimensional reflections between the two artists. Mübin Orhon’s paintings from 1972-73, […]

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Clay in Conversation 1: Vulnerability

Tessa Peters, member of the Ceramics Research Centre-UK, is chairing a discussion between artists Lawrence Epps and Laura White.  This is the first in a series of curated conversations that aim to provide a platform for presentation, dialogue and discovery, and which bring together a diverse range of artists with a practice in clay and ceramics.  Lawrence Epps will speak about Accolade, a project that developed from his […]

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Visual Empire: Translations & Reproductions

Once called “La perle de l’empire,” Indochina was understood as one of France’s benevolent and civilising enterprises. Within the context of colonial expansion, photography played a substantial yet overlooked role in defining vernacular forms of modernity for the indigènes. In this lecture, Jacqueline Hong Nguyén will focus on the international mobility of Vietnamese photographers during […]

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British Art Show 9

British Art Show 9 explores three overarching themes – healing, care and reparative history; tactics for togetherness; and imagining new futures, through four exhibitions. Many of the artists in BAS9 investigate identity from an intersectional perspective, taking account of multiple identities that coexist such as class, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. In Wolverhampton the exhibition explores these ideas in […]

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Košice Seed Library: Seeds that Move

Collection of contributions by artists, curators, designers, gardeners, farmers and organisations from various parts of the world, containing actual seeds, conceptual seeds, artworks, spells, instructions, videos and sound recordings. Curated by Borbála Soós, with works by Elena Agudio / Savvy Contemporary,  James Bridle, Joélson Buggilla & Jorgge Menna Barreto, Sunoj D & Namrata Neog / Lakshmi […]

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Life Between Islands: Caribbean-British Art 1950s – Now

The exhibition is curated by David A Bailey, Artistic Director of the International Curators Forum, and Alex Farquharson, Director of Tate Britain. This landmark exhibition explores the work of artists from the Caribbean who made their home in Britain, alongside other British artists whose work has been influenced and inspired by Caribbean themes and heritage. […]

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Intersectional Geographies – a group exhibition curated by Jacqueline Ennis Cole

In 2021, Martin Parr Foundation held an open call for a UK-based curator to present a photographic exhibition in the MPF gallery and Jacqueline Ennis-Cole has been selected for her proposed group show, Intersectional Geographies. Intersectional Geographies brings together a diverse selection of photographers whose works address inclusion within society at a time of climate […]

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Siting Cinema (2021)

Weekend 25th & 26th September Siting Cinema will be performed in the auditorium at Regent Street Cinema before each film screening. Siting Cinema is a research project that explores the cinema space as site through a film installation made and performed in Regent Street Cinema. The project is led by artist Julie Marsh, a researcher at CREAM (Centre for Research and […]

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Fragments of Epic Memory

Fragments of Epic Memory at the Art Gallery Ontario, Toronto, Canada hosts a major exhibition exploring the art and legacy of the Caribbean. The exhibition invites visitors to experience the multiple ways of encountering the Caribbean and its diaspora, from the period following emancipation through today.  The first exhibition organized by the AGO’s new Department […]

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