These two issues expand on the many possibilities in the moving images’ encounter with the artistic, material, and historic. One common thread to be found amongst the films discussed in Issue 1 concerns when moving images are not simply moving but shifting between other forms. Our contributors argue that the practice of intermediality across art, whether online or in situ, has become a means of dismantling – perhaps repurposing – the homogenising technologies of cinematic representation and its apparatus. Whereas Issue 2 brings together writing and conversations on contemporary and historic artists who find timely resonances both of a political and ecological nature in archival re-readings and retrievals.

Volume 11 Issue 1
Alia Syed and Lucy Davis in conversation
Jenny Chamarette on Stephen Dwoskin’s photo collage book Ha, Ha!
Rachel Moore’s analysis of Hollis Frampton’s still photograph series ADSVMVS ABSVMVS (1982)
Priyanka Basu on Tuni Chatterji’s film Okul Nodi
Olga Smith on Philippe Parreno and the moving image in the museum
Manu Ramos on ‘The Most Beautful Film Ever Made’ – Estrellas de Ayer (Stars of Yesterday) directed by the Mexican filmmaker Teo Hernández.
With reviews of the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement (Biennial of Moving Image) curated by DIS and Andrea Bellini by Maria Walsh; Vision Machines, Peggy Ahwesh, curated by Robert Leckie and Erika Balsom by Lauren Houlton; Memory and Intermediality in Artists’ Moving Image, Sarah Durcan (2021) by Catherine Fowler; and London’s Arts Labs and the 60s Avant-Garde, David Curtis (2020) by Nicky Hamlyn.

Volume 11 Issue 2
Jasmina Cibic in conversation with Chris Clarke
Jaime Vindel and Alberto Berzosa on the Cooperativa de Cinema Alternatiu (Alternative Cinema Cooperative) (CCA)
Lily Evans-Hill’s analysis of Lizzie Borden’s Regrouping
Francois Bovier on the Swiss video artist Jean Otth
A roundtable discussing โลก(ไร้)รูป (Im)material worlds with Kitty Anderson, Graiwoot Chulphongsathorn, Emma Dove, Tina Fiske, Philippa Lovatt and David Upton
With reviews of Still Present! – 12th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, curated by Kader Attia in collaboration with Ana Teixeira Pinto, Đỗ Tường Linh, Marie Helene Pereira, Noam Segal and Rasha Salti by Maria Walsh; Erika Tan, Barang-Barang by Lucy Reynolds; Becoming Palestine: Toward an Archival Imagination of the Future, Gil Z. Hochberg (2021) by Kaelen Wilson-Goldie; and The Moving Image as Public Art: Sidewalk Spectators and Modes of Enchantment, Annie Dell’Aria (2021) by Jane Madsen
A special celebratory launch of Moving Image Review & Art Journal Volume 11 Issue 1 and 2 will be held at Regent Street Cinema on Thursday 8th June 2023. Find out more here.