Pamela Gomez Jimenez is a Bolivian visual artist and doctoral researcher based in London. Her work is aimed at challenging neo-colonial stereotypes entrenched in the visual portrayal of Indigenous People. Pamela is particularly interested in the apparent dichotomy between Indigeneity and modernity in the contemporary image. She attempts to disrupt hierarchical representations by working with individuals and communities that remain conveniently invisible to the status quo. Through various formats, including portraits, still life, landscape and video, she seeks to resist their total objectification and reject a close and simplistic narrative.

As a recipient of a Techne AHRC studentship with CREAM, University of Westminster, Pamela’s thesis: “An Indigenous gaze: looking through contemporary Indigenous visual representations”, addresses issues of race, identity, and the representation of Indigeneity in the Andean contemporary image. Pamela has contributed to projects and exhibited nationally and internationally, including The Chaco Ra’anga Project, The World Seen by Latin American Women, Tate Exchange, and Birkbeck’s Institute for the Moving Image.