Dellores Laing is a Performer, Costume and Sound Score Designer, Writer, Vinyl DJ, Educator and Mother. Daughter of an Anglo-Irish seamstress and Jamaican Hoffman presser, Dellores is in the final months of a Full Time TECHNE Studentship, undertaking a Practice and Theory PhD Blithe Spirits: Absent British Women Couturiers – The Rahvis Sisters (1928 – 1981) at the University of Westminster, London.  Prior to this, Dellores was Senior Lecturer in Fashion Theory at the University of Westminster and continues to make work and publish poetry and prose, establishing her own independent imprint Legg & Wallis in 2013. Following a firm belief in, and having curated events that generate an interdisciplinary approach, Dellores’ artistic practice engages in the potency of Fashion, Sound, Space, Media, Culture and Society within an interventionist methodology.