
Bisan Abu Eisheh, Breathing Archives: On Art and Decolonial Discourse in Palestine

Andreia Alves de OliveiraThe Politics of the Office: Space, Power, and Photography ( / riverboatsinnerthoughts)

Silvia Angeli, Catholicism in Italian cinema in the age of ‘the new secularisation’ (1958-1978)

Barby Asante, That Bird is Singing Us an Invitation to Meet Our Future: Listening to the Call of Sankofa to Develop Memory Practice Methodologies for Performative Practice.

Swati Bakshi, The Shape of Life: Reading Space in Sai Paranjpye’s Cinema (1980-2009)

Diann Bauer

Fotios Begklis, Grand Tour – a film in-debt(ed): Exploring the possibilities of the essayistic filmmaking form.

Pryle BehrmanAn Entanglement of Meanings: a study of curation, location and temporality in contemporary art fairs

Indranil BhattacharyaThe Digital Turn in Indian Film Sound: Ontologies and Aesthetics

Marco Bohr, Transformation of Photography in Japan 1990-1999

Estéfani Bouza, Taming Contingency: Photography at the Crossroads between Collections, Archives and Atlases

Adina Bradeanu 

Zoe Butt, To be present with what we cannot see: Curating as a dialogical practice

Gilbert Calleja, Ethnography and experimental non-fiction storytelling: relating the experiences of Maltese Fishermen(

Patrick F. Campos, Topologies of regional cinema : Philippine, Mindanaon, and Southeast Asian films

Guilherme Carrera, Amid the debris: ruins of underdevelopment in contemporary Brazilian documentary

Ranita Chatterjee, Journeys in and beyond the city : cinema in Calcutta, 1897-1939

Federica Chiocchetti, Photo-Texts: Critical Intersections in History

George ClarkOfferings for a ghost film: From fragmented work to cosmic assemblages (

Cinzia Cremona, Intimations : videoperformance and relationality

Stuart Cumberland, Sensible Signs: Pictures and Not Painting After Conceptual Art

Aurogeeta Das, Exploring traditional and metropolitan Indian arts using the Muggu tradition as a case study

Nina DaninoExperimental Film – Catholic and Feminist Readings of my film 2010-2016 (

Su Fahy, Photography,memory and the archaeology of knowledgecontained in the family archive

Ana Janeiro Fernandes, Gazing at the family: archives, performance and Portuguese photography (1940-1975)

Layal Ftouni

Iram Ghufran, Situating documentary film in a speculative future: an exploration in multispecies entanglements

Sue Goldschmidt, Aramaic Incantation Bowls and Contemporary Ceramic Art Practice

Paula GortazarTransitional Frames: From Normalisation to Democracy Czech and Slovak Art Photography (1968-1998) (

Sunil Gupta“Queer Migrations” (

Alasdair Hopwood, Misinformation as material : towards the use of cognitive psychology as a research tool for artists

Marine Hugonnier, Mapping the Politics of Vision: searching for a transformative gaze

monika jaeckelagency is molecular: moved by being moved to moving or co-constitution in intra-active knowledge production (

Alexandra Jonsson, The Body Politics of Data

Matthias Kispert, Clouds of discontent: art, work, solidarity and digital platform labour

Ralph Klewitz, Potentials and limitations of language in observing and interpreting art

David Leahy, Musicians in Space

Côme Ledésert, I IS ANOTHER: The fabulative filmic collaboration with someone recovering from addiction

Nina Mangalanayagam, Living with contradictions: re-reading the representation of
hybridity in visual art

Barbara Matas Moris, The Politics of Self-Representation

Michael Mazière, Testing the Curatorial in Artists’ Film and Video Installation

Georgina Mind, Women and the Practice of Studio Portraiture in Britain 1888-1914: Politics, commerce and constructions of femininity

Haley Morris-Cafiero, Reversing the Weapons: Recuperating the marginalised body with performative photography

Roz Mortimer, GhostsImagination and Theatrere-enacting the futural past through documentary film( /

Sarah Niazi, Cinema and the Urdu Public Sphere: Literary imaginaries in the making of film cultures in north India (1930-50)

mirko nikolic, minoritarian ecologies: performance before a more-than-human world

Fathima Nizaruddin, Nuclear hallucinations: creating the vantage point of tamasha through the use of comic modes and irony in order to destabilise the authoritarian knowledge claims of Indian pro-nuclear documentaries 

Treasa O’Brien, Town of Strangers: The Performative ‘Making-of’ Film and the Production of Reality

Sunyoung Oh, Curating Arts on the Edge of an Unstable Society

Lola Olufemi, But the luminous tree… The Uses of the Imagination in Resistant Cultural Production

Jose Paulo, Public Service Broadcasting and the Construction of the Angolan Nation: Audiences’ perceptions of News at 8pm and Muangolé José Paulo

Alejandra Perez, Hacking Antarctica

Miranda Pennell, Film as an Archive for Colonial Photographs

Verónica Posada Alvarez, Latin London: Representation of Life in The Diaspora. The Latin American Community In London –1970s Onwards

Ingrid PollardHome and Away: Home, Migrancy, and Belonging Through Landscape Photographic Practice (

Carrillo Quiroga, Embodiment and the senses in travelogue filmmaking

Jini Rawlings, Dis-locations and Broken Narratives: articulating liminal and interstitial experiences through a series of moving image and mixed media installations

Paul Richards, Facebook Idio-Culture: How Personalisation Puts the ‘Me’ in Social Media

William Saunders, Harry Partch: A Catalyst for Queer Compositionism

Kerstin Schroedinger, Film matters: Historical and material considerations of colour, movement and sound in film

Valentina Signorelli, Cinematic infernos: Digital technologies and the remediation of Dante’s Infernal imagery through the cinematic screen (2005- 2015)

Arne Sjögen, Diving: using fiction narrative and intermedial assemblage to understand family histories in colonial India between 1933-1947

Steve Smith, Finding the material of memory : sketch for a palimpsest

Deniz Sözen, The Art of Un-belonging

Jelena Stojkovic, Out of sight : surrealism and photography in 1930s Japan

Zahed Taj-Eddin, Egyptian faience: ancient making methods and consideration of technical challenges in sculptural practice

Steve Tanza, The Emergent City (2007- 2017): Artistic explorations of the control and the ethics of data

Jol Thomson, Quantum Ecologies in Cosmological Infrastructures: A Critical Holographers Encounters with the Meta/Physics of Landscape-Laboratories

Nicola Triscott, Art and Intervention in the Stewardship of the Planetary Commons: Towards a Curatorial Model of Co-inquiry 

Clare Twomey, Ceramics Collections: exploring object engagement beyond the known historic models of clay practice

Vita Upeniece, The Representation of the Violated Body and its Spectatorship: the Negative Approach (1970s to 2016)

Francesco Arese Visconti, Re-thinking Photographic Portraiture of 21st Century Italian Migrants in the Arc Lemanique Area

Lucas Guingue Valencia, A social history of a so-called “Golden Age” of music industrialization: production in Colombian recording and sound technology industries, 1949-1963

Camille Waring, Whoretography – The Sex Worker As Image-Maker: A critical analysis of sex workers’ self-representation in online public spaces.

Ruth West, Dataremix: Aesthetic Experiences of Big Data and Data Abstraction

Adrian York, Transforming musical performance: activating the audience as digital collaborators

Tianqi Kiki Yu, Beyond totalitarian nostalgia: a critical urban reception study of historical drama on contemporary Chinese television

Wubin Zhuang, Documenting as Method: Photography in Southeast Asia

Cecilia Zoppelletto, Colonisation Through ‘Development Films’: Constructing And Re-Constructing The Zairian Spirit On Film

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